Tuesday, March 25, 2014

B is 6 months!

I like to:
~Spit with my tongue
~Kick my legs
~Touch faces
~Roll everywhere

~Eating 2 meals of veggies/fruit a day
~Trying to crawl and sit up
~Very vocal!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

DIY Baby Gates

This week B has been more interested in how to get around. Not only is she trying and determined to crawl she is moving her walker (only inches) around the kitchen.
Baby proofing a house can be very expensive for good quality materials. Luckily I have a pretty handy husband who loves a good challenge. I asked Clint to build me baby gates out of some pallets we had lying around. He was all in.
We went to home depot and invested in some hinges, latches, and stain all for the price of 1 good quality baby gate! They are coming right along and will be done soon. I was so excited I had to share my progress pics right away!

Cloth Diapers

So as many of you know I am using cloth diapers on baby B. Many think it's an old school way of thinking, some don't have the time, and most child care facilities don't allow the use of them. However, being a SAHM and always looking for another way to save a buck I decided to be brave.
I did all the research I could on brands, types and all that jazz.  I chose to go with Alva Baby. They are much cheaper than many brands, but are built and function all the same. I chose to use the pocket diaper vs. the all-in-one, also because of the expense.
They are super easy to clean and take no time to stuff, just gives me another thing to do a few days a week.
I have started off with 24 diapers and only have to wash about every other day to every couple days. Some blogs I looked into recommended starting off with more, but this seems to do us just fine!
Before starting solids her stools were water soluble and could just be thrown in the wash with no rinsing. I do use a cold soak and wash before finishing off with a hot wash and cold rinse. The detergent I use is All with Oxi, and it does a great job eliminating the odor and keeping them super clean.
Now that she is eating solids her stools have changed and are more than just a colorful puddy. So in light of that, I had Clint make a diaper sprayer. The sprayers on the market can cost upward of 50-60 dollars. We made our own for only $30. I love it!
The cloth diapers are a great thing for me and we save a lot of money per month.  I do still use disposables at night due the absorbancy factor so I'm not changing a diaper at 2:00 in the morning. We also use disposables for travel and church.
I highly recommend them for any SAHM!

Baby Food Adventure

I decided while pregnant with Brinley that I would homemake my own baby food. It has been an awesome experience for me. Not only have we already saved a lot of money, but I know its the best for her. Throughout the process I have continually referenced my "Super Baby Food" book, courtesy of my good friend Robin Hartman.
Explained in the book are all the ways to prepare, store and serve your homemade baby food.
Mostly your job is to cut, cook, and store all your food for months at a time. The process takes no time at all and gives you months worth of meals all in about 20 or 30 minutes. My favorite is to steam, puree, and freezer cube all my food. After cooking and puree I place my food in an ice cube tray and freeze, once frozen I pop the cubes out and place into freezer bags to store. So before meal time I grab a cube or 2 out of the freezer and thaw. So easy, and B loves it too!

Monday, February 24, 2014

B is 5 Months!

Sorry were a little late, but it has been busy and wonderful around here!

I love to:
~Taste everything
~Splash in the tub
~Sing songs
~Throw my toys
~Take walks

I am:
~Eating 6 oz. at a time and Loving vegetables
~Sleeping through the night
~Napping three times a day