Monday, December 30, 2013

Baby B's First Christmas

Brinley's First Christmas was a success! We had a great time everywhere we went! Grandma and Papa Bowen's House, Mims and Poppy's House and Gma J and Papa Omer's House! Thanks to everyone who made her first Christmas so special and also for all the great gifts, we love you all!

B is 3 Months! Happy Holidays!

I love to:
~Tell stories
~Put everything in my mouth
~Pick up toys that make noise

~Splash in the tub

I am:

~Eating 5-6 oz. at a time
~Sleeping through the night
~Holding up my own head

~Trying to sit up every chance I get

Saturday, December 7, 2013

2 Month Shots

She was much braver than I! Only cried for a moment while it was happening then when she got into my arms she was just fine. I cried pretty much the entire appointment, the anticipation was killing me for at least 2 days before hand. I officially hate shots!

Daddy and Brinley at home before we left, getting extra cuddles!

Getting some love after the shots! So brave!